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Register for this free 4-hour debtor education course.
While registration is possible with your smartphone, this course was designed for larger displays.
You should complete the course within 60 days after signing up for it. If you abandon your seat in the online course, you will be removed after 60 days and will need to start the course over to earn a certificate.
Tip: You do not need to download any files, follow any links for more information, or print anything to complete the course and earn a certificate.
Required field | Field visible on your profile | Field not visible on profile | Information: Point mouse to icon
Please check your email after you submit your registration. Check Spam, Bulk, Trash, etc. You must read the message from [email protected] and follow the directions in that email before you will be allowed to log in.
It may take up to 30 minutes for the email to arrive, especially for users of slow email providers like Yahoo. where 30-120 minutes is typical.
A desktop computer, laptop, or tablet is recommended for taking the online course designed for larger displays, not smartphones.